How to Discover and Protect Lambda Functions in Your Existing Appranix Cloud Connection and Cloud Assembly
To seamlessly incorporate Lambda function discovery into your existing Appranix Cloud Connection, follow these steps:
- Login to Appranix and navigate to your Cloud Connection.
- Select "Actions" from the top-right corner and choose "Edit."
- In the left pane, access the "Cloud Services" tab, click "Edit," add the Lambda function, and re-run the Appranix Cloud Formation stack in the AWS portal.
- Save the changes.
By following this process, all Lambda functions in your AWS account will be discovered under your existing Cloud Connection.
For adding Lambda functions to your existing Cloud Assembly, proceed as follows:
- Open your Cloud Assembly.
- Choose "Actions" from the top-right corner and click "Edit."
- In the "Resources" tab, locate and add the Lambda functions.(Note: Do not edit, if the resource selection is through entire VPC )
- Navigate to the "Protection Strategy" tab.
- Add the necessary bucket details for Lambda backup.
- Follow the link to create backup buckets for Lambda functions.
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