GCP Kubernetes Protection Service

GCP Kubernetes Protection Service


  • Protect and recover your entire Kubernetes apps, configurations, and data for your app resilience

  • Protect your on-prem or on-cloud clusters for high availability

  • Become compliant with organizational DR policies

  • No infrastructure required, delivered as a service from GCP

  • Seamlessly works with external GCP data services

For more information on Appranix, checkout the Appranix official website.

About Google Click to Deploy

Popular open stacks on Kubernetes packaged by Google.

1. Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
2. Create a new cluster from the command line:

      export CLUSTER=appranix-cluster

      export ZONE=us-west1-a

      gcloud container clusters create "${CLUSTER}" --zone "${ZONE}"

3. Create a namespace for Appranix
      It is recommended to have a separate namespace for Appranix.
kubectl create namespace "${NAMESPACE}"

4. Get the Appranix cluster token
5. Log in to the Appranix Console and add your cluster.
6. Copy the token generated for the cluster.
7. Create a Google Storage Bucket
      A Google Cloud Storage Bucket is required to store all backed up manifests.
8. Run the following commands in Google Cloud Shell to create a bucket and a service account to access the bucket.
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket name>
      gsutil mb -b on gs://$BUCKET_NAME/
      gcloud iam service-accounts create appranix --display-name "Appranix service account"
      gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$AX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL:objectAdmin gs://${BUCKET_NAME}
      gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ax_service_account.json --iam-account $AX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
      cat ax_service_account.json | jq -c | base64

Quick install with Google Cloud Marketplace

Get up and running with just a few clicks! Install Appranix to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster by following the on-screen instructions within Google Cloud Marketplace.

Basic Usage

View the resources on the Appranix Console
Now you can login to Appranix and view the discovered resources and also set a protection policy for it.


Using the Google Cloud Platform Console
1. In the GCP Console, open Kubernetes Applications.
2. From the list of applications, click Appranix.
3. On the Application Details page, click Delete.

Using the command line
1. Delete the application
2. Set your installation name and Kubernetes namespace:
kubectl delete namespace ${NAMESPACE}

Delete the GKE cluster
Optionally, if you don't need the GKE cluster, you can use this command to delete the cluster:
gcloud container clusters delete "${CLUSTER}" --zone "${ZONE}"

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