Appranix Cloud Application Resiliency Dashboard

Appranix Cloud Application Resiliency Dashboard

Appranix is glad to launch the dashboard for Cloud Application Resilience. Now, when the account is logged in, the Dashboard will be the landing page. The Dashboard gives a complete overview of all the information related to your Application Resilience goal for your cloud environment.

The number of Cloud Connections, Cloud Assemblies, and Container Assemblies are displayed along with the clickable links to the respective pages. 

Protection Status:

The number of resources in the cloud connections are displayed. The number of protected and unprotected resources are displayed for all the Cloud Connections or the selected Cloud Connection by using filters.

Geographical Area:

This shows the graphical representation of the primary and recovery regions globally. If the same region is selected for the primary and recovery regions, it is marked with two colors. Hovering over the image gives the name of the region.

Latest Protections:


By default, this graph shows the protections in all the Cloud Assemblies in the account for the last seven days. Apply a filter to choose a single assembly and choose the duration from the 7, 30, or 90 days. Hovering over a date in the graph shows the number of successful, Partially Successful, and Failed protections on that particular date.

Latest Recoveries:


By default, this graph shows the recoveries in all the Cloud Assemblies in the account for the last seven days. Apply a filter to choose a single assembly and choose the duration from the 7, 30, or 90 days. Hovering over a date in the graph shows the number of successful and Failed recoveries on that particular date.

Clicking on the graph bar will redirect you to Resilience Insights report page for that particular date.

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